Working with Skills Training UK

Supply Chain Policy

Formed in 1992, Skills Training UK has 25 years’ experience in delivering employability and skills solutions. Skills Training UK is a Prime Contractor to the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) and delivers Apprenticeships, Traineeships, and Study Programme mainstream provision nationally, as well as a range of European Social Fund funded provision including Youth Talent, Skills Support for the Unemployed, and Skills Support for the Workforce.

We ensure that all provision funded through our contracts with the ESFA, both mainstream and ESF funded provision, provides good value for money for both the Funding Organisations responsible for providing the funding for the provision as well as the organisation delivering the programme as a Partner to us. We expect and maintain a high standard of delivery for all customers using our provision, and those organisations who contract services from us are termed (and henceforth described as) ‘Supply Chain Partners’ to indicate that in partnership we share a responsibility to deliver the contract to Skills Training UK standards and expectations.

We achieved the highest grade of Excellent for the Merlin Standard twice (2012 and 2014), which has been created to recognise and promote supply chain excellence in design, implementation and performance. We are also the only organisation to have achieved the highest grade of Strong for the DWP Provider Assurance Team assessment which measures governance, compliance and data security of DWP contracted provision. We have received full assurance from the ESFA for our sub-contracting arrangements over the previous 3 years and our approach/policies are externally audited and assured.


If you are interested in joining us as a supply chain partner (sub-contractor) you can find out about the terms and conditions in our Supply Chain Policy. Download our latest policy here –  Supply Chain Policy 2022-23 (1)

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