Safeguarding of Vulnerable Children and Adults Policy

This policy is updated on at least an annual basis with more frequent amendments/additions based on legislative and process changes.

Safeguarding of Vulnerable Children and Adults Policy

This policy is updated on at least an annual basis with more frequent amendments/additions based on legislative and process changes.


The purpose of this procedure is to provide clear guidance to all members of staff who are in regular contact with Learners who may be considered at risk or vulnerable. The term safeguarding describes the broader preventative and precautionary approach to planning and procedures that are necessary to be in place to protect children and young people from any potential harm or damage1.

In all instances where potential abuse of vulnerable adults or children is identified, either within the centre or through external activities, staff should report their observations and information to the Designated Safeguarding Officer for Skills Training UK who is responsible for submitting evidence to the Local Authority through their Designated Officer. This procedure deals with reporting issues where serious safeguarding issues are observed which require action.

The safety of every learner is essential and our staff and stakeholders receive training to support this. In addition, every learner is introduced to our Safeguarding policy and procedures in their induction programme. Download our latest policy here – 5.1 CHILD AND VULNERABLE ADULT SAFEGUARDING POLICY

Any concerns can be immediately reported to or directly by phone.

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